Sunday, December 11, 2011

San Augustin Church

The whole town of Panglao celebrates the fiesta of their patron saint, St. Augustine, on the 28th of August. Every chapel in the different barangays has also their own patron saint, such as Santa Cruz, San Vicente, San Roque, or the varied affiliations of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

They also celebrate, individually, their own fiesta. Of 20th century vintage is the devotion to the Santo NiƱo del Panglao where the faithful of the main church and all the chapels observe the novena of the Child Jesus and converge in the vast town plaza, with all the trimmings of a fiesta celebration, on the last Sunday of January which marks the end of the novena.

There are three Masses on Sundays: 6:30 am, 8:30 am, and 5:00 pm 
There is one Mass for ordinary days: at 6:30 am for M-T- Th-S
and at 5:00 pm for W-F

For more historical information, click here.

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  1. Tito Eric,
    Great for you to post the schedule of masses in the various churches in Panglao. There is a very useful website and they have no schedule for San Agustin, the only church listed in that area.

    I hope it's worth your while to inform them of the mass schedules. I found out that our own parish in Manila did not have any data so I emailed them and perhaps a few souls were able to catch mass one way or the other.

    I was also looking at the piso piso flights for my maid who wants to visit her parents in Negros. I might just find the courage to pack my bags and visit Bohol; I have a high regard for Boholanos as they are hardwarking, frugal and trustworthy people.

  2. Hi Seggy,

    They have historical and architectural backgrounds available for most of Bohol's grand churches; thus, I thought of including just the mass schedules for now until I get fresh materials. The Boholanos are very proud of their heritage, and I'm certain it wouldn't so hard a job to do some new research on these awesome structures.

    I will check out the link you gave me and will advise them accordingly. Thanks!

    Do you know that Carlos Celdran is now doing one-day walking tour of Talisay? I missed it but I'm sure he'll have another one scheduled soon.

    As for you, Seggy, Bohol is not only a photogenic destination, but also a very safe place to visit. If you do decide to spend a weekend or so here, bring your camera along, and then email me so we could visit the first three churches built by the Jesuits (if you haven't already) here in Bohol.

  3. Bohol is one place down south I have never visited, that's why I follow your blog. A pity as my health now makes it difficult to travel. I love Zamboanga, Cagayan de Oro and Dumaguete. Davao where I spent sometime but it's getting too urbanized... the Manila girl in me talking.

    Whatever happened to the proposal for Bohol to supply fresh water to Cebu? They say the Boholanos refused to share their water. Ha ha ha... check that out and write on it.

  4. Dumaguete is on my list, and it's supposedly not too far from Bohol. I swim in the ocean early in the mornings with a life vest on; hence, I'd probably make it to Dumaguete before sundown if I wanted to, hehehe.

    Well, Seggy, you have got to get well soon so you can visit Bohol.

    Hmmm ... Bohol as a source of water for Cebu? Actually, I'm putting together a piece on how expensive the water is at Panglao Island. Stay tuned.

  5. I googled that news and luckily found a link. Great item for your blog.

  6. Wow! Many thanks, Seggy! I can use this information.
