Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Cow's or Hemp Milk: Which one is better?

Look at those cows and remember that the greatest scientists in 
the world have never discovered how to make grass into milk.

                                     Michael Pupin

That may be true indeed, but then again, many people are now shying away from drinking milk. That's due to the extreme processes that milk undergoes, as well as the high amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically-modified substances that cows are continually exposed to.

In the article The Dangers of Drinking Cow’s Milk, the author, Dr. Edward F. Group III, claims with much certainty that there are real and eminent dangers associated with drinking milk from cows.  And that all cows release toxins through their milk, as milk is a natural exit-portal for substances that the body cannot use.

The following is a list compiled by Dr. Group showing just a few of the artificially-engineered components found in the average glass of non-organic pasteurized and homogenized milk:

- A Veritable Hormone Cocktail: including pituitary, steroid, hypothalamic, and thyroid hormones (remember most cows are extremely stressed)

- Gastrointestinal Peptides:

- Nerve and epidermal growth factors, and the growth inhibitors MDGI and MAF

- rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone): a genetically engineered hormone directly linked to breast, colon and prostrate cancer. This is injected into cows to increase milk production.[1 ]

- Pus: National averages show at least 322 million cell-counts of pus per glass![2 ] This is well-above the human limit for pus-intake, and has been directly linked to paratuberculosis bacteria, as well as Crohn’s disease . The pus comes from infected udders on the cows known as mastitis.

- Blood Cells: The USDA allows up to 1.5 million white blood cells per milliliter of commonly-sold milk.[3 ] Yes, you are drinking cows blood in the milk and the USDA allows this!

- Antibiotics: Currently, cows are in such a state of disease and mistreatment that they are continually being injected with antibiotic medicines, and rubbed down with chemical-laden ointments to deal with their chronic infections. Currently, regulating committees only test for 4 of the 85 drugs in dairy cows. This means that the other 81 drugs in cow’s milk are coming directly into your glasses and bodies. Estimates show that 38% of milk in the U.S. is “contaminated with sulfa drugs or other antibiotics,” according to a study by the Centre for Science in the Public Interest and published in the Wall Street Journal on December 29, 1989. A study from the FDA data showed that over half of all milk was laden with traces of pharmaceuticals yet nothing has been done to control this.

Essentially, not only are people drinking in these toxins, they are also taking in the energetic effects of the life of the cow.

In addition, studies show that many cows are infected with incredibly painful inflammatory infections such as mastitis . Due to over-milking, artificial hormones, bacteria and medications, cow’s udders can become chronically inflamed, thus altering the color and taste of the milk.

Over time, this bacterial invasion causes harm to the cow’s mammary gland, reeking havoc on the milk being produced. From parasitic worms to cancerous tumors, these diseases are often passed along to the next generation of cows, and more often, into the milk we drink.

Even more, the conditions in which cows live, as well as the rigorous milking regimes, cause dairy cattle to live in a permanent state of sympathetic (stress) response, as well as adrenal over-load. When our adrenal glands are overworked for long periods of time, there is a overload of cortisol in the blood. When we drink this milk, we are then exposed to the millions of stress-response cells in the milk of cows. It is no wonder that we are a chronically-stressed society!

Read more here.

For in-depth information on the dangers of cow’s milk, Dr. Group  recommends visiting www.NotMilk.com 

As an alternative to cow’s milk and for those who cannot consume dairy because of dietary issues, Dr. Group recommends Hemp Milk.

Hemp milk is completely legal, and produced from the seeds of the hemp plant.  It has only begun to be sold in the United States within the past few years.

Organic hemp milk may very well be the best alternative for those who either do not like cow’s milk , suffer from lactose intolerance, or are vegetarians. While the taste of it may be something that you have to adjust to, you might just find that you actually prefer it to any of the other milk products you have tried.

Nutritional value of organic Hemp Milk

Organic hemp milk is also a great alternative to toxic cow’s milk and One 8-Ounce glass contains the following healthy nutrients:

* 900mg Omega-3 Fatty Acid
* 2800mg Omega-6 Fatty Acid
* All 10 Essential Amino Acids
* 4 grams of Digestible Protein
* 46% of RDA of Calcium
* 0% Cholesterol
* Potassium
* Phosphorous
* Riboflavin
* Vitamin A
* Vitamin E
* Vitamin B12
* Folic Acid
* Vitamin D
* Magnesium
* Zinc

And more…

Other Things You Need To Know About Organic Hemp Milk

It can be purchased in plain, vanilla, or chocolate flavors, and the boxes they are packaged in do not have to be refrigerated until after you open them. There are now multiple stores selling multiple brands, so if you are a consumer who prefers to stick to organic products, you should not have too much difficulty finding them.

Plain organic hemp milk contains no sugar, no cholesterol, and is free of soy and gluten. For many people, these factors make it an obvious choice for an abundant source of vital nutrients. The essential fatty acids, vitamins & nutrients that are contained in organic hemp milk provide a wide variety of health benefits.

Hemp Milk Benefits Include:

* Strengthened Immune System

* Clear, Healthy Skin, Hair & Nails

* Strong, Healthy Heart

* Increased Mental Capacity

As with anything, always conduct a sufficient amount of research on any products that you are considering trying. There are actually quite a few different brands available on the market, and not all of them are made with organic ingredients.

Try to get in the habit of reading product labels on everything, not just food and beverage items. When you regularly read ingredients of the things you and your family are using or consuming, you will develop a greater understanding of labeling practices and what to look for to be safe.

You can also make your own organic hemp milk.

Read more here.

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  1. Our State, (Washington) is currently putting on the voting ballot, whether or not to legalize marijuana. This would introduce hemp milk and other products for consumers. Right now all products of the cannabis plant are illegal.

    It is very frightening and disturbing to realize what we are consuming and also to know how innocent animals are mistreated. Factory farms are a blight on humanity and the creatures that are exploited, but I am happy to see that there is starting to be a turn around of more and more organic small farms.

    Thank you for sharing this information so we can make wise choices.

  2. I'm not a milk lover but this is the first time I heard of hemp milk. Thanks!
