Friday, December 30, 2011

The Buzzz Cafe

This is the ICM branch of Bohol Bee Farm’s cafe.  A wonderful idea since you need not travel all the way to the farm to replenish your supply of its 100% natural products.  I bought a bottle each of its salabat and wild/molave honey, as well as a couple of their squash muffins.

The salabat I am yet to open, but the wild/molave honey I find lacking in sweetness as those natural honey I’ve been accustomed to in Manila and New York.  The muffins, on the other hand, are quite all right.

I should eat more of this cafe's vegetable dishes, but being at ICM with many familiar comfort food establishments, I tend to give myself license to indulge.  Nonetheless, The Buzzz Cafe is a favorite spot on account of their uniquely-concocted ice cream with unusual flavors, served in what I believe to be, cones made of raw cabcab (dried camote).

This is one cafe that is quite popular and draws a number of patrons at any time of the day.

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  1. we try to get our honey from small farmers too, especially in the farmers market where they have wildflowers honey.

    that's a good concept of a coffee house. one you would find in big cities.

  2. It is really nice but a bit pricey, though.
